
November 01, 2018

GoDarkSite participates in Dark Theme Culture.


This may come in handy:

    It is an interesting thing that today more and more is said about so called "dark theme". Dark-themed apps - and even whole operating systems. And in the field of browsing the Web more and more popular are various plug-ins (like Dark Reader for Chrome) which enable users to view any website in dark mode.

    What is all about and why bother?
    It's funny that some time ago Android had dark-themed UI itself. But over the time it changed its course towards whiteness, whiteness everywhere. What is interesting is that some time later more and more users realized that it made matter worse. Some significant drawbacks arose: almost glowing screen has been especially unpleasant while used overnight, let alone the discomfort for the eyes (many have pointed out that there is a big difference in terms of our eyes' fatigue - being exposed to dark- or light-featured screen most of the time). Besides there are many users with weaker vision - for whom light colors may be also an obstacle.

    Although websites' appearance is quite set "for ever" (at least until next re-design) by their creators - in case of apps and even operating systems like Windows, MacOS, iOS or Android I'm surprised that users were left without any choice (!), being confined to the white UI for so long. I would rather suppose that there will be dark themes available - in a form of an alternative option: You would switch between two main themes as You please. Why it took so much time to get to this point when in fact more and more apps have this choice present by default?

    "Dark mode themes have taken the world by storm lately, and pretty much every app and operating system worth its salt has included it (...)". (the source)

    Back to the Web - what about websites?
    Although websites are kind of "set in stone" (design-wise) as I've mentioned before - their dark-theming is already out there, up and running, and it looks like it is here to stay. Thanks to particular plug-ins available for web-browsers You may now experience the Web not only in a much more comfortable - but also unified way. Alongside optimized way of reading (so called "the reader/reading mode" or "view" - which You may find in Microsoft Edge, Samsung Internet, Vivaldi and so on) dark themes fit into new way of web-browsing: the one in which the content is more important than its diversified (visual) form. As a result we may use the Internet not only in a more comfortable and convenient way - but also may reach desirable knowledge faster (focus on the actual information instead of being distracted by "layout-diversity distortion").

    Interestingly this situation resembles benefits You may derive from being up-to-date with anything You care about - via so-called RSS readers. Like using some dark-theme plug-in/reader mode in web-browser, RSS client (an app) gives You similar effect: a bunch of websites presented in front of You in a completely unified, pure-and-clear way. So as You can see, dark theme culture may lead Us to a new way of consuming the Web: easier and faster; less distractions - more efficiency.

    Regardless of all of that probably still there will be enough people appreciating not only the content - but its form as well. Indeed, as You may probably know, web-design gives You incredible potential to express Yourself in an original way embodying Your individuality: who You are. On one hand there are trends and popular style in design - on the other this is an interesting aim to be Yourself in this crowd of similar-looking stuff. Unless You don't care about Your Own/Your Brand's uniqueness - You are in the need of reflecting Yourself in the Web(site) mirror. And in case You care on Your Readers'/Customers' comfort - You may want to choose a dark-themed design.

    Dark doesn't mean lack of colors.
    Looking at the way how dark-themed apps are looking today You may have the impression that they are stripped out of most colors - in favor of leading dark-gray or black. But let's get back to the idea behind dark theme culture:

    about Microsoft announcing dark theme for MS Office for macOS:
    "Now you can write your next masterpiece in Microsoft Office without having to worry about harming your eyes with the bright, crisp whites of your computer screen." (the source)

    So Our goal shouldn't be simplifying the design (by reducing its color-palette), but to make it more human-friendly (by reducing the stress put by bright colors). You don't need to be highly strict about it - in My opinion it is enough to keep Your design moderate - i.e. no blaring whites / lights :) .

    As a designer, to achieve that goal You don't need to confine Yourself to the blackness or grayness - instead You are welcome to create any layout, however colorful, but keeping in mind the user's comfort (don't exaggerate with the brightness, be careful how intense contrast You create, how much light Your composition incorporates, etc.).

    Applying this rule You are still able to create however fancy design You want - it won't be long and You notice that there are almost no difference between white-driven and dark themed approach. In fact, some may even come to the point when leaving the dominating white will give Us even more freedom to create.The reason for that is simple: a white-driven layout usually takes white color as a leading one - whereas dark-theme design may benefit out of wide range of colors to make up the taste of Your site. So there are much more choices out there - than simply black or gray :) .

    As a matter of fact I've used dark theme approach for years - although My motivation was different at the time: I took this approach because of the freedom it gives, the freedom to create out of whole variety of possibilities - not only a small fraction of that. It resembles a painter's palette, which - as such - in its own nature may be itself a huge source of inspiration.

    After a while I've realized that many of My projects are pretty fit to the idea behind dark theme culture: because I rarely use light colors as dominating ones. Moreover, over the time I've found dark themed layouts more and more appealing. So, being aware of growing recognition of dark theme, I've decided to use My designing experience as a part of it, making the Web not only more interesting - but also more user-friendly. And this is part of the story behind launching GoDarkSite - where I present and offer You an unique design, which aspires to render Your Own/Your Brand's individual style - and respects Your Guests'/Clients' comfort.

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